Sunday, March 11, 2007

who is using what so far?

Several of us at Angel Yarns Forum are doing a Knit Along (KAL) for the Shoalwater Shawl from Fibre Trends.

If you'd like to join us (and the blog) and add posts about your progress here, pm me via Angel Yarns Forum with your email address and I'll send you an invite to join. The more the merrier :o)

Sudden demand VBG means the pattern is in short supply so the following people are waiting for new supplies: mongrel, ContinentalCat, Rosesandtea, sjl1974, fibre~fairy
(possibly), dippydappyblonde, Samantha, jo (maybe).

A few of us have had this one planned for a while and so have begun. That's
Gillie2tat who is using Koigu handpainted in a lovely variegated medium blue and
HilaryD who is nearly finished (!)and is using Brightdyes sock yarn
here is an early photo

and this one was added Mar 09 2007.

jam_mam is using Posh Yarn, Emily (sock yarn) in Frost Flowers
photo taken Mar 09 2007

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