Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Been busy!

After pausing to swear after I ripped out 44 rows, I cast on again and am now just beginning the third repeat of the pattern block. I'm still on the first skein but I can see I'll have to wind skein two soon.

The ever lengthening rows are, indeed, meditative and quite soothing to work, so I do begin to think that I will finish this and it'll be a work to be proud of!

I was a bit worried about blocking soy silk, but a quick websearch reveals that this is possible and gives good results. The fabric has a lovely drapey feel to it already.

Of course, the bottom edge as shown in the picture will be the long straight edge of this trinagular shawl, but it is too big to show stretched to the proper shape now.

Casting on Again :o)

Although I decided that I want a bigger version of the SW shawl ,I didn't want to cast on for another triangular shawl straight away. I looked through this book and found the feather and fan shawl which uses the Old Shale pattern but is knitted across the length of the shawl rather than by casting on the short side/end.

Actually I looked through all my books :o) there's a couple of pleasant hours gone.

Once I'd wound the Emily yarn (Patter) which I got in the last PY sale I had to cast on last night. 390 stitches - that's a long row!
I am using the Emily which caused me so much confusion last time and size 5mm KnitPicks Options needles. Just doing my second repeat. This is a stocking stitch version of the feather and fan so the second row is purl - there are 6 YOs and K2togs instead of the 8 in the SW but otherwise pretty much standard stuff and I am hoping good for a variegated yarn :o)

HilaryD's finished Shoalwater Shawl

Hilary said "did it full size using brightdyes sock yarn (3 skeins) from Jade and Chrissy. Have a wee bit left."
Great job Hilary. Now I really want to take mine back to where I cast off and add another ball of yarn :o) Guess this is another pattern I'll have to revisit.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I'm back on the shoalwater!!

I have finally finished the silver-grey Flower Basket in 4ply, just need to block it now.
I still have over a month until the birthday, but had to get it done first, or my shawl would have taken over, and I didn't want to rush it.

Now I can get back to the cashmere shoalwater!!


Cast off early and now blocked


Casting off early as I panicked about size was a mistake *blushes* but not one that makes it unwearable.

The photo above was supposed to show the subtle colours in the yarn, some lovely purple and green in there when you look closely but they just will not photograph. I have grown to like the yarn more as I have knitted and I now have 2 skeins left due to casting off after 2 1/2 repeats.

Finished size 67" x 33" 2 skeins of PY Emily in Frost Flowers colour.

I am going to do another larger one for me and to give this one to my Aunty who has just been diagnosed with cancer - something warm and lovely to wrap herself in when she needs a hug.

Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm ready to Block!

Oh the trials and tribulations, full story on my blog but I will post some photos tomorrow - if it dries quickly :o) or the next day if not :o(

Did I mention btw that I love blocking? Let's hope the magic happens.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Still waiting...

I'm still waiting for my yarn and pattern (really it's the pattern that is the hold-up). I've ordered some 5mm needles from Texere, but they didn't have the 6mm in 100 cm so if I find I need a 6mm I will have to hunt around for a set.

I'm anxious to get started!

Where have I got to?

Here I am :o) Actually I'm a little further on now, up to row 41 of my last repeat, yipee, but the rows are taking forever! I have tried counting how many stitches too many times to mention, and lost my place too many times too! I've included a close up as it shows the colour better, still think it's a bit muddy but i also know I am more likely to wear it more often than one of the really bright ones.

Expletive deleted

Well I was motoring along nicely but at row 44 I notice that I had two too many stitches on one side, and a couple of holes in the wrong place, so I've frogged the lot.
Hm, lifelines next time I think!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Going to start on ....

i have decided that I am going to start my shawl when the kids go back to school after Easter, so in about a month's time. I won't be left alone to concentrate (demanding 11 year old), plus I will hopefully be in a better state of mind by then.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Nearly back to square one :o)

After one full repeat and up to row 37 of the second I'm not quite back to where I was before I had to frog back, but no mistakes this time *touches wood* :o)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

logged in - I will start sooner or later

I have managed to log in with the help of Ryan.

I have the pattern, needles and some hand dyed yarn I bought from Violet Green over christmas - when we can get our brains to sct like brains and not mush we will attempt to upload some photos (I have a new camera and it is a bit confusing!)

I am making a scarf at the moment to wear at my mum's funeral, but I propose to have a go at shoalwater soon.

Ryan is laughing at me because I typed furniture instead of funeral, he reckons I haven't any finger/hand co-ordination but it's because my fingers are feeling a bit dyslexic today.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Wound up!

Thanks everyone for the kind comments. I bought the yarn in two batches from Peak Wools on Ebay - they also have a webshop.

I wasn't planning to do a shawl, but the idea of lacework had begun to niggle at the back of my brain ...

I never cease to wonder at how different yarn looks in the ball to as a skein, and different again in a knitted garment. You'll have to wait a bit for that view of 8 Track!

Yummy yarns

Oh I want to make about 6 of these - I keep seeing yarn that would be beautiful!!

Hilary - know I can see why the KSH colour was so appealing!!
Samantha - that yarn is absolutely stunning!! Please share the seller if they have more!!
You know you want to be an enabler!!

I don't find it repetitive - good TV knitting if you time your pattern row for the ads!!!


Hi from me

I suppose this is a bit of a cheat to post since I don't have any of the stuff but I hope to order soon. I am still considering the yarn but am thinking about the Angel sock yarn (handpainted opal) or going all-out and ordering a fancier laceweight yarn. As I want a variegated yarn I will end up with one of the more expensive yarns, I think. And then the needles - it will be cheaper to order from Texere for my long circular, but I have been wanting Denises for a long time....

Oh the ways to spend money! But I am looking forward to doing this shawl - I am just needing to decide and order!

Logged in and ready to start

Just checking in here and saying that I've got all the materials except the coilless safety pins.
For the record I will be making Shoalwater using Conjoined Creations Pastimes Music Collection, 8 track colourway, which is a laceweight soy silk I bought on Ebay.
I have already experienced some of that meditative repetitive trance like activity which I expect knitting this shawl to be (because of three "plain" rows to one "worked" row in the pattern) when winding one skein of yarn into a ball ...

I have some long train journeys coming up and so want to get this started to take with me (plus, of course, the ubiquitous pair of socks!).


Monday, March 12, 2007

I am no longer a technophobe - I managed to log in!!

I have started my shawl and have done 42 rows. I'm using the Denises, and it's slipping over the join really well.

I am using Hip Knits laceweight cashmere in "puddles" colourway, cream/fudge/milk chocolate colours.

Sorry, no pics yet, most of my flat is in these colours, and I haven't worked out where to photograph it.


Started-sort of !

Ok, I'm cheating, I haven't started really. But I do have yarn- its Lane Borgosesia in "denim blue" and its wonderfully soft ! I've managed to make a ball from the skein ( a first for me ) & now I'm just squeezing it periodically while I wait for the pattern !

Mongrel xx

Sunday, March 11, 2007

who is using what so far?

Several of us at Angel Yarns Forum are doing a Knit Along (KAL) for the Shoalwater Shawl from Fibre Trends.

If you'd like to join us (and the blog) and add posts about your progress here, pm me via Angel Yarns Forum with your email address and I'll send you an invite to join. The more the merrier :o)

Sudden demand VBG means the pattern is in short supply so the following people are waiting for new supplies: mongrel, ContinentalCat, Rosesandtea, sjl1974, fibre~fairy
(possibly), dippydappyblonde, Samantha, jo (maybe).

A few of us have had this one planned for a while and so have begun. That's
Gillie2tat who is using Koigu handpainted in a lovely variegated medium blue and
HilaryD who is nearly finished (!)and is using Brightdyes sock yarn
here is an early photo

and this one was added Mar 09 2007.

jam_mam is using Posh Yarn, Emily (sock yarn) in Frost Flowers
photo taken Mar 09 2007