Sunday, April 22, 2007

Mongrel's Shawl :o)

Mongrel says "This shows my shawl at the end of chart A.
I'm just coming to the end of chart B now, actually, but it looks much the same !!
I'm using Lane Borgosesia Cashwool in "denim" shade, and 3.75mm Denises.
My official aim is to finish in time to wear it for a formal Scottish Country Dance on June 12th, but to be honest if I finish before I die of old age that will be a nice supprise !! :-)"
Keep going M you'll get there!

1 comment:

ContinentalCat said...

cheer up, the 12th of June is really far away. But I know what you mean, the pattern is not too difficult, but very slow in progress.

Nice to see Loony in another colour. I think I will collect them all ;-)